
Professionally delivered EMI Share Options.

You can get started right now issuing EMI options

How it works

(1) Companies House Integration
Sign up to TechFranklin and enter your company number and TechFranklin integrates with Companies House to prepare your legal docs.
(2) Tax Valuation
Submit a tax valuation to HMRC via TechFranklin.
It usually takes 2-3 weeks for HMRC to respond with an agreement.
Then you have 90 days to grant EMI options using the valuation.
(3) Directors' Resolution
TechFranklin automatically generates a directors' resolution and associated e-sign processs to approve the use of EMI options.
(4) Design the Options
Decide who will receive options, how many and the exercise prices.
And optional terms such as time based vesting, exit only and good leaver provisions.
(5) Grant the Options
Once payment is made TechFranklin automates the e-sign process, provides a dashboard to monitor progress and stores the final signed copies.
(6) EMI Filing Notification
Once the options are signed you can connect them to the tax valuation.
TechFranklin then automatically generates the HMRC EMI filing notification documentation.
This must be submitted within 92 days from the date of grant.


Email sign up

If you'd like to receive emails from us in connection with EMI options feel free to sign up to our communications using the form below.